1.     Applicability.

1.1.  Services. This Privacy Statement applies to Protected’s solutions and services (the “Services“).

1.2.  Website. For more information about how we process Personal Data collected through our website, please see

1.3.  Dashboard. For more information about how we process Personal Data collected through our dashboard, please see

1.4.  Capitalized Terms. All capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the applicable data protection laws.

2.     Privacy. Protected attaches great importance to your right to privacy and the protection of your Personal Data. We want you to feel secure that when you deal with Protected, your Personal Data are in good hands. Protected protects your Personal Data in accordance with applicable laws and maintains the appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your Personal Data against unauthorized or unlawful processing.

2.1.  No Processing of Personal Data. Protected does not require the processing of any Personal Data to provide its solutions and services (the “Services“), except for the IP address of the Customer’s end user. In case a specific Protected’s customer (“Customer”) requires Protected to process additional Personal Data of such Customer’s end users, Protected can accommodate such request and shall handle such Personal Data in accordance with any applicable law and regulation.

2.2.  No Tracking, Targeting, or Profiling. Moreover, Protected does not (i) combine, analyze or enrich the Personal Data with additional information for the purpose of identifying end users; (ii) track end users or their online activities across apps and websites over time; (iii) rely on persistent technologies such as third-party cookies (unless configured otherwise by Customer); and/or (iv) create profiles or audience groups to target individuals.

2.3.  No Legal Obligation. Neither Customer nor end user is under any legal obligation to provide Protected with Personal Data.

2.4.  Pseudonymization. Any Personal Data processed by Protected (including the IP address of the Customer’s end user) will be pseudonymized by Protected within fourteen (14) days.

2.5.  Legal Basis. Protected’s legal basis for processing Personal Data through the Services as a data processor is the legitimate interest of detecting ad-related fraud. 

2.6.  IAB TCF. Protected participates in the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework and complies with its Specifications and Policies. Protected’s identification number within the framework is 762.

3.     Data Security. Protected has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect all information it collects from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, destruction, and any other form of unauthorized processing. However, no data security measures can guarantee 100% security.

4.     Data Subjects in the European Economic Area (EEA).

4.1.  Legal Basis for Processing of Personal Data. If at all, Protected will only process data subject’s Personal Data, if it has a legitimate interest to process data subject ‘s Personal Data or if processing of data subject’s Personal Data is necessary to comply with relevant law and legal obligations, including to respond to lawful requests and orders; or with data subject’s consent.

4.2.  Data Subject’s Rights regarding Personal Data. Subject to applicable law, each data subject has certain rights with respect to its Personal Data, including the following:

4.2.1.    data subject may ask whether Protected holds personal data about it and request copies of such Personal Data and information about how it is processed;

4.2.2.    data subject may request that inaccurate Personal Data is corrected;

4.2.3.    data subject may request the deletion of certain Personal Data;

4.2.4.    data subject may request Protected to cease or restrict the processing of Personal Data where the processing is inappropriate;

4.2.5.    When data subject consents to processing its Personal Data for a specified purpose by Protected, data subject may withdraw its consent at any time, and Protected will stop any further processing of data subject ‘s Personal Data for that purpose.

·       In certain circumstances, Protected may not be able to fully comply with data subject’s request, such as if it is frivolous or extremely impractical, if it jeopardizes the rights of others, or if it is not required by law, however, in those circumstances, Protected will still respond to notify data subject of such a decision. 

·       Data subject can exercise its rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction, objection, and data portability by contacting Protected at In some cases, Protected may need data subject to provide it with additional information, which may include Personal Data, if necessary to verify data subject’s identity and the nature of data subject’s request.

4.3.  Transfer of Data Subject ‘s Personal Data outside of the EEA. Personal Data may be processed outside data subject’s jurisdiction, and in countries that may not provide for the same level of data protection as data subject’s jurisdiction. Protected ensures that the recipient of data subject’s Personal Data offers an adequate level of protection, for example by entering into the appropriate data processing agreements and, if required, standard contractual clauses for the transfer of data as approved by the European Commission (Art. 46 GDPR).

5.     Data Subjects in California, USA. To the extent the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, Cal. Civ. Code 1798.100 et seq. (“CCPA“), including any subordinate or implementing legislation, is applicable, the following shall apply:

5.1.  Protected will only process Personal Information on Customer’s behalf.

5.2.  Protected will (i) not collect, retain, use, or disclose Personal Information for any purpose other than for the specific purposes set out in this Privacy Statement; (ii) not sell Personal Information (as defined under the CCPA); and (iii) put in place appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect Personal Information against unauthorized or unlawful processing or accidental destruction, loss or damage.

6.     Updating this Privacy Statement. Protected may from time to time revise this Privacy Statement to reflect updates in the Services, regulatory requirements, or other needs. Any modifications will be posted upon becoming effective.

7.     Any Questions regarding Privacy at Protected? 

For any questions about this Privacy Statement or Protected’s data practices in general, please contact Protected using the following information:

Protected Media Ltd.

3 Shaham St., Petach Tikva, Israel




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